Jul 19, 2021

Flower Power Cubes cane, an extruder polymer clay retro cane mini tutorial by Ronit Golan


In this mini-tutorial, a square flowers and cubes cane, I use a technique I've encountered years ago but never tried it. Basically, it is a reducing technique with an extruder tool.

When I first tried this technique I shared the square cane, with the little flowers, on a Facebook group - Fun with canesand I've been asked for some instructions, so I made a new cane, took some photos and here it is. Also, the members helped me find a suitable name for this design, they gave me wonderful ideas, Thank you ladies! I went with "Flower power" and added the cubes – here is a presentation for "Flower Power Cubes" square cane, enjoy!!!

Level - Beginners to advanced – For this cane you need some experience with the pasta machine, simple flower canes and with an extruder.

Tools you'll need:

Polymer clay - The clay needs to be thoroughly conditioned and soft enough.

Pasta machine - I work on the thickest setting to cut the circle disks.

A small circle/round cutter - I use a 2 cm/ 0.8 inch diameter round cutter, it's a bit bigger than the extruders' opening; I've also used in the past a 1.6 cm/0.63 inch size, that is a bit smaller from the extruders' opening. Try to work with a cutter that its size is like or close to the extruder opening.

An extruder tool - I recommend a suitable extruder tool that is easy to work with. I use Lucy tools extruder now, and used for many years the Makings extruder.

A square disc for the extruder – I used the disc that its square side measurements are 6 mm/0.23 in.

A blade

A ruler

Let's start!

Choose your color palette - it can be 5,6,7 colors, whatever you like.

Condition the clay and finish each color sheet on the thickest/biggest setting.

Use a cutter and cut each color to disks. I cut twice every time to get a thick disk. I condition the clay again, cut disks and condition and cut again, until I finish the clay and it is all disks.

For this cane I need 5 rolls - 3 from the disks and 2 from the flower cane.

For every roll from disks I need 16 (double) disks. Maybe you need less or more, but you can figure it out only by experimenting with your extruder.

I arrange them in a sequence that I like so I'll have a variety of colors.

I roll/reduce each roll until its diameter fits the extruders' opening and put them aside for now.

The flower cane.

I make a very simple flower cane. You don’t need to make a big cane for this. The amount of clay is like the amount for 2 rolls from the disks, because eventually we need 2 flower rolls to extrude.

First, I make a cane for the middle and a cane for the petals.

Then, reduce the cane for the petals for 5 or 6 petals, each petal length should be 5 cm/2 inches.

Then assemble the flower; The center cane in the middle and the petal canes around it.

The background for the flower cane.

I use here 2 background colors, but you don't have to if it's complicates things.

For 2 colors background - mark with the blade in the middle of each petal height. Take the first background color and make triangles to insert between the petals, from the middle to the bottom (for 1 color background insert from top to bottom).

Do the same to the second background color. Insert them from the middle, attaching them to the first triangles and to the top of the cane.

Add another sheet for the background - condition the clay for the first color, on the thickest setting, and cut a long sheet to cover around the petals, its side should be about 2.5 cm/ 1 inch. Cover the first color and then the second one.

The outline – Use 1 color for the outline (or 2 if you want to play here, all is possible), condition on a thick setting and wrap around the flower cane.

Reduce the cane until it fits the extruder opening (it sure will be long) and do that carefully.

Cut the ends on both sides, at each end, until you see the whole design fully intact. Then, from each side measure the length of the roll you need for the extruder and cut, do that from each side, so at the end, probably, you'll get a leftover of the flower cane, where the 2 colors of the background are attached (you can use it for another project).

TIP! On one side of the flower cane add a circle of clay. I used the outline color, prepared it on setting 3 on the pasta machine. Then cut 1 circle disk and add it to the flower cane.

NOTE! This side will be the first side that comes out from the extruder, it will be the side that touches the square disc.

(In this project I did that only on 1 flower roll, so later you can see the difference in the photos, but I encourage you to add that to each flower roll).

Extruder time!

Now you have 5 rolls to extrude, do that as you already know and experienced. After every roll I extrude I clean the square disc and the cylinder pushing the clay.

When you're finished, you'll have 5 long "square rolls".

Combine and join them all together from their top to bottom.

I prefer to cut and clean the first 5 cm/2 inches from the side that first came out from the extruder, then I cut and clean the other side, so I'll see a perfect pattern design, flowers and squares/circles.

They should be the same length, all 5 "square rolls".

Measure the length and divide it by 5, you'll have a total of 25 parts.

Now, the FUN part!

I construct it "freehand" style. I separate all the parts, the flowers and the squares and start the first layer with 5 parts - I combine 2 flower squares with 3 disks' squares.

Then continue to the second layer, third, fourth and fifth and you're done!


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  1. Thank You for sharing馃グ馃コ❤️

    1. Thank you very much Akins creation!! Enjoy creating :)

  2. I have wanted to learn this technique for quite a while. Thanks so much for sharing. Great job.

    1. Dear Ida, thank you very much, I'm so happy to inspire you, enjoy creating!! 馃挏馃挄

  3. 讛讬讬 专讜谞讬转, 诇讗讞专 砖讛讻谞转 讗转 讛驻专讞, 讛讗诐 讛讻谞住转 讗讜转讜 诇诪讝专拽? 讛讗诪转 砖诇讗 讛讘谞转讬 讻诇 讻讱, 讻讬 讛讜讗 谞砖诪专 讬驻讛. 讜谞专讗讛 讘讙讜讚诇讜 讻讗讬诇讜 砖讬爪讗 诪讛诪讝专拽 讘讗讜转讜 讚讬住拽 专讬讘讜注.讗讜讛讘转 诪讗讜讚 讗转 讬爪讬专讜转讬讱, 讜讗转 "讛专讗砖" 砖诇讱. 讗砖诪讞 诇拽讘诇 诪注谞讛.

    转讜讚讛 讛诪注专讬爪讛 专讬谞讛.

    1. 转讜讚讛 专讘讛 诇讱 专讬谞讛 :)
      诇讗讞专 砖讗转 诪住讬讬诪转 诇讘谞讜转 讗转 讙诇讬诇 讛驻专讞, 讗转 诪讗专讬讻讛 讜诪爪诪爪诪转 讗讜转讜 诇拽讜讟专 砖诇 诪讻砖讬专 讛诪讝专拽 砖诇讱, 讻讱 砖讬讬讻谞住 讘拽诇讜转, 讜讗讝 讚讜讞住转 讛讞讜爪讛, 讛讙诇讬诇 砖讬爪讗, 讘爪讜专转 诪专讜讘注, 讛讚讜讙诪讗 砖诇 讛驻专讞 转讬砖诪专 诇讻诇 讗讜专讻讜. 转谞住讬 诇转专讙诐 诇注讘专讬转 讗转 讛驻讜住讟 讜砖讬诪讬 诇讘 砖讬砖 注讜讚 砖诇讘 诇驻谞讬 砖诪讻谞讬住讬诐 讗转 讛驻专讞 诇诪讝专拽. 讘讛爪诇讞讛 !! :)
